Calling hot redheads!

Hey girls! I'm in need of a very specific looking girl to be the face of a fantastic new store I'm involved with (details to follow :-) We need you to be tall and thin. Red headed...Long locks are a plus. No prior modeling experience required, but it would definitely help :-) Need to have a mature look - as in, you can't look like you're still in high school!

You must be available for shooting March 15 or 22 in Kansas City. You'll receive a CD of edited images for use in your portfolio. Ok, go!

EDIT: So there are a few more things we need...an abandoned-feeling farmhouse, chickens...maybe some goats. Green grass is a plus. Barns. You get the idea. Ok, go again!


Anonymous said...

I think I am pretty close to what you are looking for minus the hot part...and the redhead part...and the long neck part...and I don't have a farmhouse....or chickens...BUT I AM TALL (depending on who you compare me to)!!! So, am I in?

MaCanuck said...

Really? Posting on a blog that you're looking for hot redheads works? Drat. I wish I would have known that back when I was a teen.

And, you know, that they had blogs back then....

Momdenn said...

I have a friend that would be PERFECT! Go to her facebook...

Josh said...

I seriously can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! You totally need to fly Carrot Top in to model for you! He's perfect and probably needs some new photos since he sucks so bad!

Katherine said...

I'm not tall nor thin, but I do have red hair (duh). So if it's like between me and Carrot Top, at least I am probably cheaper...

Katherine said...

And God knows I look mature!

Melissa w/ Soul Mates Photography said...

I'm a red head!

Kelley WC said...

Thanks for the suggestions and funny comments everyone :-) I've gotten quite a few recommendations but we still haven't found that specific look we're wanting!

Katherine - I can't see your profile!
Melissa - Um, yes, you're an adorable redhead, but you're in PORTLAND! ;-)

Sarah said...

So...I have red hair. And I have red hair extensions if it's not long enough. I don't think I look like I'm in high school, and I consider myself to have a little bit of modeling experience. Oh! And I am free on both dates. Just saying... =)

Katherine said...

Kelley, it's me, Katherine Warren. You took my coquettes awhile ago...I am special needs on setting up profiles, so sorry!

Amanda said...

Well shoot. Too bad I only fit the redhead and thin portion. I need to age and grow apparently. ;-) Good luck with your search!