Shoot Day!

So lately I have been getting a LOT of emails from aspiring photographers. While I looooove to help give advice and such, it's getting a little overwhelming for me! Therefore, I've decided to team up with Josh and offer a shoot day (afternoon, rather :-). This is going to be a super low-key, but super fun afternoon of shooting, learning, and experimenting. We'll provide a few models and show you some of our favorite techniques, including some off-camera lighting and a general Q&A.

The details....

When : Wed, Feb 25 @ 3:00 (it's Josh's birthday - bring him a cookie ;-) We'll just shoot till we're worn out!

Where : We'll be meeting at Josh & my new (not completely finished - don't judge ;-) studio in the City Market, and then wandering the area.

Who : Anyone who wants to learn! That being said, a basic knowledge of apertures, shutter speeds, ISO's, etc. is strongly recommended. We won't be starting at the very beginning this time.

How much : $50/person for this first time

Email Ashley (ashley@kelley-photo.com) if you're interested in joining us! We're thinking of offering more of these mini-shops in the future if we get a good response, so be sure and email even if you can't come to this one. Hope to see you there!


Nicole McLaughlin said...

Really...ANYONE? Even if your local...sort of? I'm in Spring Hill, down south a little! :) I would love, love, love, to come!!! :)

Kelley WC said...

Yep, anyone! Come on out :-)

Jeremy VanAndel said...

Man, if it were a little farther along in the calendar I'd definitely be there! Short notice for a long trip from Indianapolis. =o)

Kelley WC said...

We'll do another soon, Jeremy, and give you plenty of notice ;-)

Sarah said...

Ahhhhhhh! Kelly I would love to be there! I am not sure yet though because I have class till 3 on wednesdays normally then work following....goodness! This is so great =)

Kelley WC said...

hmmm, Sarah, I guess you'll just have to call in sick ;-) we'll be out shooting for at least a couple hours...

Sarah said...

Haha I don't mind calling in sick for a day of fun! I think I may just have to do it! I will probably be emailing Ashley soon!

Dewayne said...

I can't do weekdays, but a weekend sounds good.

Sarah said...

This is very cool. I've admired your work since way before you did my coquette session oh, a year and a half ago? In fact, I was one of *those people* who emailed you about the business (though I did it a year ago when I was first starting...) :o/ I have crazy deadlines at work next week but am going to try, try TRY to make it...

Anonymous said...

This sounds Ah-mazing.